It's something of a joke at work--if people need something, they know I'll have it in the religious education office. A square of sandpaper or duct tape or screwdriver for an emergency repair? Got it. Salt for the chalice? Yep. First aid supplies? Of course!
This really comes in handy when, say, you realize that a critical seam on your pants has split. Yes, there I was at 8:30 AM with a handful of tiny safety pins.

Today I was pulling together craft supplies to make butterflies. I had pulled out a bag of tissue paper pieces--and hey, origami paper in there, too. Sort of an advanced version of the craft.

It was a full hour before I glanced at the hearts again, and noticed that they appeared to have a seam. Some sort of card? I flipped it open and looked down.
Hey, butterfly!
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