It's not just about paying attention. What grabs hold?
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Things I Can't Kill
Ten years ago I went to a plant swap with a bunch of baked goods and brought home an assortment of plants, many of which I managed to kill in short order. The exception has been the succulents I got that day. Especially successful have been the agaves--they're now taller than I am, and keep putting out pups, which we either cut back or transplant elsewhere. (Sadly, none are of the tequila-producing variety.) My spouse shakes his head sometimes--the plants are not the most snuggly. Indeed, from time to time they draw blood. But I adore them, and do let him go attack the most snaggy parts with his beloved sword (which he prefers to the machete made for this purpose.)
These forgiving plants don't mind the brash trimming, and their suckers happily take transplanting. They can handle our summer heat and are OK with months of no rain, and flourish through it all. Sometimes things continue in spite of us, rather than any concerted effort on our parts.
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